
Have We Mentioned Our Space Truck? Because Look at Our Space Truck


If you’re alive in the world today, you’ll know that traditional means of advertising are, if not dead, then at the very least the shambling reanimated remains of a once-proud tradition known as ‘ripping people off’.

You’ll know this because, well hey, how much traditional advertising do you pay attention to again?

We’re not fans ourselves. That’s why you won’t see us paying the big money for flash TV spots that sum to little more than expensive vanity-pets. It’d be more effective (not to mention fun) to make a million paper airplanes out of dollar bills and throw them off our balcony. (Darren, if you’re reading this, don’t you even dare.)

Instead, we looked at our amazing team and wondered, what would best show off their skills while appealing to a broad range of people? Like, do you know for eg that the Zailab industrial team is among the best in the world?


Look at these sexy beasts. From left: Lize Loftie-Eaton, Evan Hughes, Jean-Pierre Viljoen and Roelf Mulder.
Look at these sexy beasts. From left: Lize Loftie-Eaton, Evan Hughes, Jean-Pierre Viljoen and Roelf Mulder.


So we did the obvious thing: we bought a monstrous truck from the military and set our team the task of catapulting it into sci-fi land. Ha ha, oh, we jest. We are dead serious. It is called the ZaiTruck because of course it is and we’re kinda in love with it.

We’re talking major future-whoo stuff here, right down to the Lamborghini-style rear wing-doors, right down to the touchscreen controls, right down to just the slickest steering wheel we think we’ve ever seen. Customs kinda had a full-nuke fit when we tried to import a thousand tons of rocket propellant, so we can’t fire it into orbit just yet. We’re handling the design and the manufacture; why bother if you’re not going to go way too far?

Whoa but wait, we’re not in the business of making space trucks, are we? (At least not until wecolonizee Titan, but whatevs.) So what exactly are we going to do with this dashing beast?


Break that ice

Sketches. So many, many sketches. The industrial design team have ALL of the Copic markers ever produced.
Sketches. So many, many sketches. The industrial design team have ALL of the Copic markers ever produced.


For starters, the ZaiTruck will be running our contact-centre equipment and solution in the back. Because we figure what better way to showcase our space-age products than with a space-age vehicle?

Seriously, can you imagine seeing this thing pull up? People we be all like ‘Hey can I have a lift?’ and we’ll be all like ‘Sure why not?’ Then we’d give them a lift and they’d see our equipment and they’d say, ‘Yo can I Skype my parents?’ and we’d turn and glare and reply: ‘We don’t do Skype.’

Yeah. Imagine it like that.


At this point you could imagine or reenact some kind of supervillain laugh. If you so wished.
At this point you could imagine or reenact some kind of supervillain laugh. If you so wished.


We’ll be setting this baby loose on the streets soon.

Sheesh, we’re getting a bit ahead of ourselves here. We haven’t even mentioned Antarctica yet. We will, we will, but for now suffice to say we’re chartering a plane and flying our interstellar truck to that chilly continent down south.

We’re also planning to take the ZaiTruck to the Sahara, the Amazon Jungle, the works. Because yes, on one hand, we are audacious like that. We are not in the business of pushing boundaries; we are in the business of creating maverick contact center solutions for everyone.

But also: there are things in this world that need highlighting. There are conversations that need to be started.

And why in the blazes not with a space truck?


Want to know more about the ZaiTruck? Read about our epic journey from Cape Town to Cairo.