How to add Some Festive Spirit in your Call Center

office part

It’s that time of year. Love Actually is being screened on repeat, the local supermarket is unrecognizable beneath all the tinsel and YouTube tutorials on how to make the perfect cranberry sauce are being shared across social feeds.

Team Zailab Walks to Victory

zailab team

This year team Zailab once again participated in the tough African Centurion race-walking event.  Bad weather couldn’t dampen the spirits of the race walkers participating in this year’s African Centurion event, which took place from 20-21 October 2018, despite the last-minute venue change due to storm conditions. This year’s event was held in aid of […]

Going Back to Good Customer Service Habits with AI

customer service habits

Mom and Pop values of customer service still hold sway today. We have collected some of our favorites and added our own modern twist, with a double scoop of AI to top it off to help you improve your CX.