Call Center Software: Keeping up with contact center trends.

call center software

Technology changes constantly. One day you are watching a rented DVD with your family and the next you are streaming Netflix on your 3D Smart TV. Who knows what changes lurk around the corner? For contact centers and call center agents, staying up to date with technology is essential to survival. Not only does it […]

The Dos And Don’ts Of Digital Engagement

digital engagement

According to the CCW study, The Future of the Contact Center in 2019, digital engagement is the number one priority for the industry in the coming year. The study foresees plenty of investment going into customer feedback solutions, live chat and coaching. Out of all the organizations approached for the study, 47% said they planned […]

5 Things We’re Excited About In 2019

2019 trends

Here at Zailab, we are passionate about digital transformation, cloud technology and using innovation to improve CX. Needless to say, there is plenty to look forward to this year in the contact center space.

A Day in the Life at Zailab: Software Developer Adrian van den Houten

zailab team

A Day in the Life takes a closer look into the lives of the Zailab staff – by following them around with a camera. Our people are everything. Today we are focusing on one of the youngest crew members at Starship Zailab, software developer Adrian van den Houten. When he is not hard at work with […]